Take the September Eat Local Challenge at the Co-op!

Co-op Member-Owners – check your receipts!  All September, you can track how much you spend on LOCAL each time you shop at the Co-op.  Choosing local products is always a winning choice for the Vermont Economy, and this September, choosing local could make YOU a winner, too!  Read on to find out how:



  • All September, check the bottom of your receipts to find out how much LOCAL you’ve purchased.
  • Receipts from LOCAL purchases of $25 or more are eligible to be entered into a drawing for one of six $25 Co-op Gift Cards.
  • Receipts from LOCAL purchases of $50 or more are eligible to be entered into a drawing for one of six $50 Co-op Gift Cards.
  • You may enter as many receipts as you like.

The more LOCAL you purchase, the greater your chances of winning.  Raffle Boxes will be located at the Customer Service Desk near the Registers.  Not sure if you’re buying LOCAL products?  Just look for these signs:

Co-op Annual Meeting and Celebration is September 7th

Join Us for our 46th Annual Meeting and Celebration!

It’s been three long years since we last gathered in person for our Annual Meeting and Celebration.  We are so excited to see everyone, again!  On Wednesday, September 7th, 5;30-7:30 pm, join us at American Flatbread for our 46th Annual Meeting.  We’ll talk about the past year and the progress we’ve made in meeting our Ends.  Our new General Manager, Greg Prescott will update us on how the Co-op is doing and what next year may bring.  We’ll hear from our Board of Directors and make time for questions from our members.  Enjoy delicious flatbreads, salad, and desserts on us!

New to the Co-op’s Annual Meeting?  Have a look at some of the photos from past Annual Meeting Celebrations to see what’s in store!!




Rally for Change August 18-24 for Vermont Professionals of Color Network!


Round Up Your Totals at the Registers August 18-24 for Vermont Professionals of Color Network…The Co-op Will Match Your Donation!

Vermont Professionals of Color Network (VT PoC) is a community and network that promotes, supports, and affirms People of Color in a way that helps them succeed personally and professionally.  Our network is built from within (“for us, by us”) and focuses on young people of color, professionals of color, businesses, and entrepreneurs of color, because prosperity starts with opportunities to climb the economic ladder. A prosperous BIPOC community is a good thing for ALL of Vermont!

At VT PoC, we have three core areas of focus:

1. Networking: the foundation of our organization, and is a mainstay of our offerings. Each quarter, VT PoC offers at least one in-person event for our members, as well as monthly virtual and in-person meet-ups.
2. Mentoring and Education: Empowerment comes from knowledge and access to knowledge; this helps us and our community to continue to grow. To us, mentoring is not just about the relationship between our youth members and experienced professionals.
3. Visibility through Advocacy: The visibility of BIPOC in Vermont is crucial to our mission. There are over 40,000 individuals identifying as People of Color in the state and about 60% live outside of Chittenden County. Yet, we are overlooked because we are not seen nor present at the “table”. Our goal is to increase the visibility of all groups, including non-profits, businesses, individuals – the entire community. We work to identify the barriers to access and break them down.

VT PoC is so grateful for the opportunity to participate in the Co-op’s Rally for Change! When you round up at the register for VT PoC, your donation will go towards:

● Promoting BIPOC professional development
● Supporting BIPOC entrepreneurship
● Empowering BIPOC youth
● Engaging in advocacy
● Paying for 3 full-time employees to grow and effectively run the organization








Thank you!
The Fam at Vermont Professionals of Color Network



Member Appreciation Event – Join Us!

We are so grateful to our member-owners for all that you do to support your Co-op.  It’s time we showed you a little appreciation!  Stop by the Co-op on Saturday, June 4, 11 am to 2 pm to feel the love!  Start your visit at the Co-op Plaza and:

  • Meet your new General Manager – Greg Prescott (he’ll be tending the grill, so you won’t be able to miss him!)- he’s excited to talk with all of you!
  • Enjoy free Co-op Kitchen Made Quesadillas (bean and cheese), hot off the grill on the Co-op Plaza!

Then, reap the benefits of member-ownership and get a FREE Co-op T-Shirt when you:

  • Become a Co-op Member-Owner
  • Renew your Membership (12 months will be added to any renewed membership, so nothing is lost by renewing early)
  • Donate a Member Share to our Food For All program

Membership is just $20 per share and always fully refundable!

See YOU there on Saturday, June 4th, 11-2 at the Co-op (rain or shine)!



Rally for Change May 5-11 for United Way of Addison County!


Round Up Your Totals at the Registers May 5-11 for United Way of Addison County…The Co-op Will Match Your Donation!

Together with thousands of volunteers, supporters, and advocates, United Way of Addison County is building a stronger community by finding solutions, supporting programs, and fighting for the health, financial stability, and educational success of every person – at every age – who calls Addison County home. We are proud to work with 30 of the most compassionate, intelligent, nonprofit partners in Addison County who are:

● Increasing access to health care and healthy foods. Providing resources to encourage healthy, active lifestyles. Encouraging connection to one another and to our community to combat isolation. Reducing youth substance use rates.

● Preparing children so they enter school ready to learn. Providing the support students need to stay in school and graduate. Encouraging lifelong learning and skill-building.

● Ensuring that all families have safe housing, healthy food, transportation, and quality childcare. Providing access to financial tools and coaching to help build a better future. Supporting employees in crisis so they can maintain employment and grow professionally.

We are so thankful for the opportunity to participate in the Co-op’s Rally for Change! The intersection of COVID and inequity has only widened the gap in health, financial stability, and education. When you round up at the register for UWAC, you are helping the most vulnerable people in Addison County stay in their homes, feed their families, keep the lights on, flee unsafe situations, and more. Your donation helps close the divide and give every person an equal opportunity to succeed. Thank you.

United Way of Addison County

Remember To Vote…Our Board of Director’s Election is on in May!

Any day now, Co-op member-owners will receive a Board of Directors Election Info packet in the mail.  Inside this packet, you’ll find information about our Board, the election process, candidate biographies, and instructions to help you cast YOUR vote for our Board of Directors.  Don’t want to wait for the mail?  You can check out the packet online right HERE!

Are you ready to vote?  Please follow the link below to get started, May 1st – May 31st (link will not work until May 1st!).  


You’ll need the first initial and last name of the co-op member-owner in your household, plus the last five digits of your member number (you can find this on the back of your paper Election Info Packet mailing label, or on the back of your co-op member card).

Your vote is completely anonymous, and after you participate in this year’s election, your name will be entered for a chance to win one of 50 $25 Co-op Gift Cards! Happy Voting!

Election results will be shared by Friday, June 3, via our website, e-news, social media, and in the store.


Homeward Bound Fundraiser 4/28-5/4

National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day is April 30.  Let’s celebrate!  From April 28 through May 4th, co-op member-owners will receive an additional 20% Off ALL Pet Products at the Co-op!  And guess what?  The Co-op will donate 20% of the pet product sales from that week to Addison County’s Homeward Bound!  If you aren’t familiar with this amazing local organization, here are a few lines, in their own words, to help explain their place in our community:

Our  Mission:  

To be a community-centered shelter that supports the human-animal bond through compassionate care, adoption, education, and advocacy.

Our Vision: 

  • A community that is nurturing and compassionate towards all animals.
  • A community where no animal suffers from abuse or neglect.
  • A community where companion animals are treated as lifelong, valued family members.


Get Ready to Slash YOUR Trash in April!

Join members of Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op in pledging to reduce waste and “SLASH YOUR TRASH!”
Did you know that the 292 million tons of waste (nearly 1,800 pounds per person every year) generated in the US in 2018 was primarily made up of plastics, paper, paperboard, and food? As individuals and working together as a community, we can take steps big and small to reduce our waste.  Participate with your Co-op community in April to SLASH YOUR TRASH!
To participate:

  • Pick up a pledge card at the Co-op (example below)
  • Fill it out with your pledge (one card per pledge, please!)
  • Drop it into our raffle box for a chance to win an earth-friendly prize!

Pledge participants will be entered into weekly raffles throughout April.













• Share Your Experience! Use #SlashYourTrash, #NeighborCoops and
#ActNowOnClimateChange in social media posts. When you share your experience,
you’ll be entered to win a prize again!
• Visit un.org/en/actnow and let the UN know what you are doing to #ActNow
on Climate Change!

Recycling or Wishcycling?

Did you make a Slash Your Trash pledge in honor of Earth Month? Join Don Maglienti of the Addison County Solid Waste District as he covers the ins and outs of what can (and can’t) be recycled in our area. Participants will learn about how recycling is processed, common contaminants, and some special programs for hard-to-recycle materials. Bring your questions and have fun expanding your recycling knowledge! Leave with a free pack of Bee’s Wrap!

Advance registration is required. Please register at least one week in advance. Classes are capped at 12 participants. Enrollment is first-come, first-served. All classes are $30, or FREE for members of the Co-op’s Food For All Program. To register, email Denise at the Hannaford Career Center (dsenesac@pahcc.org) or call (802) 382-1004. 

Invasive Plants as Food & Medicine

Too much garlic mustard? Is Sumac taking over your hedgerow? Herbalist Julie Mitchell of EOS Botanicals will address plants that are considered invasive in the light of possible utilitarian uses, both medicinal and culinary. This hands-on class will include some recipe-making and a thorough discussion of properly identifying plants, resources, and some ethical wild-crafting or herb-gathering tips.

Advance registration is required. Please register at least one week in advance. Classes are capped at 12 participants. Enrollment is first-come, first-served. All classes are $30, or FREE for members of the Co-op’s Food For All Program. To register, email Denise at the Hannaford Career Center (dsenesac@pahcc.org) or call (802) 382-1004.