Business of the Month: Natural Medicine of Vermont
Searching for healthful options to treating disease and pain that restore health rather than merely treat symptoms? We invite you to check out our April Co-op Connection Business of the Month- Natural Medicine of Vermont! Card-carrying Co-op member-owners can enjoy 10% off their 1st visit and $5 off subsequent visits!
Natural Medicine of Vermont (NMV) is an integrative naturopathic medical facility whose goal is to provide comprehensive and expert health care services. NMV, located in Middlebury, Vermont, is owned and operated by Dr. Karen Miller-Lane, N.D.,L.Ac.
Dr. Karen Miller-Lane is a Naturopathic Physician licensed in Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture and trained in Craniosacral Therapy. Her expertise lies in providing an integrative, compassionate and individualized approach to women’s health, endocrine, gut and immune support, and to the challenges of chronic disease. She received a Doctorate of Naturopathic Medicine (2001) and a Masters of Acupuncture (2002) from Bastyr University. She received certification in Craniosacral therapies in 2000. In addition, she spent four years (2008-2010, 2012-2014) studying advanced Chinese medicine and pulse diagnosis with the acupuncturist and scholar Lonnie Jarrett. She also trained with Eileen McKusick, and was certified as a Biofield Tuning practitioner in 2016. These multi-cultural, multi-modal teachings provide a rich foundation for her practice of medicine. Prior to becoming a Naturopathic Physician, Dr. Karen worked in the field of international development and education with a focus on women’s healthcare issues. Currently, she is particularly interested in the developing field of epigenetics and nutrigenomics, as she continues to embody a commitment to being an innovator in the ever emergent field of healthcare in the 21st century. She finds joy in her family, friends, the patients she works with and finding the humor and wonder in everyday situations.
Thanks to her diverse clinical background, Dr. Karen MIller-Lane is able to unite many different complementary practices into one visit. This integrative approach provides the best possible treatment and outcomes natural medicine has to offer. Read on to learn more about these particular approaches from the Natural Medicine of Vermont website:
What Is Naturopathic Medicine?
Naturopathic Medicine is a distinct profession of physicians trained in primary health care who are oriented towards prevention, education and promotion of optimal health rather than just treatment of disease. Naturopathic doctors (ND’s) integrate centuries-old knowledge of traditional, non-toxic therapies with the best of modern medical diagnostic science and standards of care. ND’s complete pre-med education followed by a 4-5 year residential curriculum with 4,500 – 5,000 hours of instruction and extensive, supervised clinical training. ND’s must also pass rigorous state and national board examinations.
Foundation and Guidance for Naturopathic physicians are based on the following principles:
- First, Do No Harm
- Prevention
- The Healing Power of Nature
- Treatment of the Whole Person
- Treat the Cause
- Doctor as Teacher
What Is Acupuncture?
Acupuncture is a system of medicine based on 3,000 years of history, tradition, and application. It uses very thin needles to stimulate hundreds of different points on the body that lie along channels known as meridians. These points balance, tonify, or reduce excess in the body. At its heart, Acupuncture balances “Qi” or vital energy and treats the whole person. The treatments are generally very relaxing. At least 4-6 weekly treatments are usually required to determine the cause and treat the condition.
Licensed Acupuncturists go through a three-year Masters program that incorporates over 1700 hours of training, followed by national licensing exams.
In 1997, a consensus panel convened by the National Institute of Health (NIH) concluded that “there is clear evidence that needle acupuncture treatment is effective for postoperative and chemotherapy nausea and vomiting, nausea of pregnancy and post-operative dental pain…also addiction, stroke rehabilitation, headache, menstrual cramps, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia, low back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, and asthma.” Other conditions which Acupuncture treats effectively include menopausal symptoms, chronic pain, diabetic symptoms, fatigue and sleep complaints, digestive problems, depleted immune system, arthritis, stress, anxiety, support for depression, smoking cessation and more.
What Is Biofield Tuning?
excerpts from https://biofieldtuning.com/
Biofield Tuning is a unique non-medical therapeutic method that uses sound waves produced by tuning forks in the biomagnetic field, or biofield, that surrounds the human body. Biofield Tuning was developed by pioneering researcher and practitioner Eileen Day McKusick and is based on her 20 years of clinical inquiry into the Biofield Anatomy. It is a simple, non-invasive, and efficient method that can produce profound and powerful outcomes. Biofield Tuning sessions can be experienced in person or at a distance, singularly or in a group, by a certified practitioner.
“Biofield” is the word chosen by a team of National Institute of Health scientists in 1994 to describe the field of energy and information that surrounds and interpenetrates the human body. It is composed of both measurable electromagnetic energy and hypothetical subtle energy, or chi. This structure is also called the Human Energy Field or Aura.
While Western Science has yet to describe and measure subtle energy, other cultures, especially ancient Indian or Vedic cultures describe it extensively. The term “chakra” means wheel in Sanskrit and these spinning energy vortices are seen as structures in the body’s subtle energy anatomy. Not coincidentally, chakras are present where there are large nerve clusters or plexuses within the body itself.
The Biofield Tuning process is designed to locate, identify, and interrupt patterns of sonic imbalance, making it possible for the individual to become “unstuck” and able to move forward in life with a more balanced perspective.
What Is Craniosacral Therapy?
You are probably aware of the many systems that the body is made up of including the respiratory system, digestive system, the cardiovascular system, etc. The body also has a very subtle system unrecognized by science until fairly recently which is known as the craniosacral system. The craniosacral (CS) system consists of the membranes that form the meninges of the brain and spinal cord (down to the sacrum), the bones of the skull to which the membranes attach, other structures related to the meninges, the cerebrospinal fluid, and the structures that produce, contain and resorb the cerebrospinal fluid.
The cornerstone of the CS system is the finding that the bones of the skull are able to move as the cerebrospinal fluid moves through the membranes. While this information is not accepted by all health care professionals, the CS treatment is based on this finding and on the literature that has developed around the research using the CS theories.
Because the CS system is connected to the rest of the body by its connection to the fascia, restriction can affect many other systems, most notably the nervous system, musculoskeletal system, vascular system, endocrine system, etc. Because of these relationships, CS therapy is used to treat many different conditions. In our clinical setting, we have found them to be helpful for headaches, sinus problems, anxiety, general stress, endocrine problems, muscular fatigue or stress, depression, TMJ problems and others.
The treatment is done with the patient fully clothed lying down and is often extremely relaxing. The clinician uses light pressure and sessions often last between 20-40 minutes depending on what is being addressed.