Edible Seed Sprouting

Unlock the inner nature of your food! Join Jeffrey Jackson of 4 Season Sprouts for a COVID-intimate evening exploring ancient and modern techniques to get the most out of our foods. This interactive workshop will cover sourcing high-quality seeds & grains, hygienic sprouting methods, transforming your sprouts into nutrient-dense dishes, and more. Participants attending in person will leave with everything needed to begin sprouting seeds at home!


Classes are held at the Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center. Pre-registration is required for in-person participation. To register, please contact Denise Senesac at 382-1004 or email dsenesac@pahcc.org. Classes are capped at 10 participants to allow for social distancing. Enrollment is first-come, first-served. All classes are $30 or free for members of the Co-op’s Food For All program. Please register for classes at least one week in advance. Participants attending classes at the Career Center must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Wellness screening upon arrival, including a temperature check as well as a list of questions regarding symptoms
  2. Wearing a face covering while in the building. No exceptions.
  3. Encouraging good hand hygiene using soap and water when practical and hand sanitizer when not
  4. Maintaining a minimum of six feet (6’) between individuals in the building whenever possible
  5. Signing in and providing contact information when gathering in classrooms and other spaces for contact tracing purposes

Participants who are unable to adhere to the above guidelines or who would simply prefer to avoid gathering in person may opt to participate via Zoom at no cost. Zoom details are below:

Topic: Edible Seed Sprouting
Time: Sep 23, 2020 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 977 7161 9701
Passcode: 242019
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Meeting ID: 977 7161 9701
Passcode: 242019
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/ab5RxtXCNB

Join Us for A Virtual Co-op Annual Meeting September 3rd

Like so many other traditionally in-person events, our Annual Meeting is going virtual this year.  While we will miss gathering in person, sharing a meal, and enjoying the warmth of face-to-face community, we hope that we can keep you informed on Co-op happenings and provide a space for your voices to be heard through a virtual meeting.  So much is going on at the Co-op this year, you won’t want to be left out of the conversation!  On Thursday, September 3rd, at 6:30 pm, join us for an evening of updates about your Co-op, featuring presentations from our Board and our General Manager, followed by an opportunity for questions and answers.  Here’s how to join the meeting:

To be an active participant (join the Question and Answer session, at the end of the presentations), please follow the Zoom link:


The passcode for this meeting is:  MNFC

To Livestream the meeting, or to view it later, please watch on YouTube:


If you have challenging internet, you can also call in to join the meeting by phone:

Dial by your location:

1 312 626 6799 (Chicago)

1 646 558 8658 (New York)

Meeting ID:  828 1012 3772

Passcode:  392953

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcLUMw43P6




June Online Membership Drive to Support NOFA-VT

It’s YOUR Co-op…OWN IT…without ever leaving home! 

Join or Renew in June and the Co-op will donate $5 to help Vermont farmers!


Did you know that you can do your Co-op Membership “housekeeping” online?  That’s right, you can:

  • become a Co-op member-owner
  • renew your membership
  • join our Food For All program (or renew)
  • request a new member card, update your address, and so much more!

All June, In order to promote “stay safe/stay home” the Co-op will donate $5 to NOFA-VT (Northeast Organic Farming Association of Vermont) for every co-op share that is purchased online.

Just go to our Membership Page to get started.

The Co-op’s donation will be applied to the NOFA-VT COVID-19 Response Fund to support projects like:
  • Increasing their Farmer Emergency Fund to provide critical cash flow for farmers.
  • Providing additional subsidized CSAs through their Farm Share Program.
  • Hiring dairy milking relief workers in case a dairy farmer or farmworker falls sick.
  • Increasing their organizational capacity to support their COVID-19 response.

This fund will also help them develop longer-term solutions, like potent policy changes and awareness-raising, so we don’t just return to business as usual after this crisis.

Thank you for being part of the solution!

Rally for Change for MiddSummer Lunch and Rec Program

Round up your totals at the registers August 14 – 20.  The Co-op will match your donation and pass it along to MiddSummer Lunch and Rec Program

Rally Every Time You Shop! When not featuring a specific non-profit, donations are given to Addison County Food Shelves

MiddSummer is a nonprofit organization that was founded in 2003 by a group of caring community members. It has grown from a half-day program that lasted two weeks to a full day, five-week summer camp that gives children opportunities and experiences that they would not have otherwise.

Our mission is to target at-risk children in developing lifelong positive nutrition skills and usable recreational skills.

  • Nutritious meals and supervised recreational activities are at the core of the program.
  • We serve 28-33 campers ages 8-13, and they come from all over Addison County.
  •  Our focus is to help provide a safe, positive and fun experience for children and give them a place where they can learn nutrition and life skills.
  • Over 60% of our campers qualify for free/reduced lunch and are living in poverty. Poverty is also a precursor to other issues in homes, and our campers are affected every day by things we cannot imagine. We have campers from diverse backgrounds, ethnicities, and genders.

We accept all children no matter what. We have never turned a camper away. 

For more information, please reach out to us at midsummercamp@gmail.com  or follow us on Facebook.

(CANCELED) Join Us for Green Up Fest at the Co-op

Green Up Day is on its way!  When your green bags are full and your roadsides are looking good, take off your work gloves and come join us at the Co-op.  We’ll be celebrating with good food and great information, all for free and all for YOU.  Here’s what to do when you get here:

See YOU There!

(CANCELED) Celebrate Earth Day at the Co-op!

Wednesday, April 22nd is Earth Day, and in honor of this fine holiday, we’re going bagless! The day will serve as a great reminder that there are many ways to bag your groceries, so why not choose the GREEN way? Please bring your baskets, reusable bags, repurposed cardboard boxes, or any grocery tote you prefer. If you forget, no problem; we’ll be giving away free reusable bags while supplies last, and we’ll also have repurposed cardboard boxes available. But wait, there’s more! Starting on Earth Day, our Bulk Department will cease offering plastic bags for bulk…FOREVER!  We will still carry paper bags, but we encourage you to bring your own containers for bulk items.

Stop by the Co-op on 4/22 and celebrate our planet with us:

See you there!

(CANCELED) Cooking with Spring Veggies

Spring is finally here! After a long Vermont winter, our bodies are craving the nourishment that the Spring bounty has to offer. Want to make the most of those first few local veggies to pop up in fields and farmers’ markets this time of year? Join Emily Fleming to explore recipes to make those Spring veggies shine!

All classes are $30 or FREE for members of the Co-op’s Food For All Program. To register, please contact Denise Senesac at the Hannaford Career Center by calling (802) 382-1004 or emailing dsenesac@pahcc.org. Classes are capped at 12 participants. Enrollment is first-come, first-served. Please register at least one week in advance. Please disclose food allergies at time of enrollment. Hope to see you there!

(CANCELED) Eating for Resilience

It comes as no surprise that human beings are confused about healthy food.  There are so many conflicting dietary theories available in the marketplace today, each touting their own supremacy.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to regain the ability to intuitively “know” what your own personal nourishment looks like, how much you should be eating & what is the best timing for your particular needs?   This workshop, led by Christina Cunningham, is designed to guide you into your body’s intelligence, to learn to listen to its needs, so that you feel confident about your own personal relationship to food.

Christina Cunningham, BA, CMT, HHC, is a certified and insured holistic health coach & therapeutic massage therapist.  Her goal is to guide folks to transform their physical, emotional and lifestyle-induced discomfort into greater resilience and embodied ease.  Working with your body’s innate intelligence, the wisdom of nature and the latest scientific breakthrough in habit change,  she can show you how to transform the vicious cycle of burn-out, fatigue and overwhelm.  In her private sessions, workshops &  courses, she will teach you to listen to your body, make informed choices about how best to care for yourself, and ultimately have the confidence to create a life that brings you joy.  

All classes are $30 or FREE for members of the Co-op’s Food For All Program. To register, please contact Denise Senesac at the Hannaford Career Center by calling (802) 382-1004 or emailing dsenesac@pahcc.org. Classes are capped at 12 participants. Enrollment is first-come, first-served. Please register at least one week in advance. Please disclose food allergies at the time of enrollment. Hope to see you there!

(CANCELED) Getting Creative with Cabbage

Tired of waiting for the fresh veggies of summer? Cabbage can be the green you go to this April. It is wonderful raw and terrific cooked. It pickles beautifully into fermented sauerkraut and kimchi and into fresh-pack chow-chow and other relishes. Its leaves can be stir-fried, sautéed, stewed, steamed, stuffed, braised or boiled (with corn beef). Cabbage is a powerhouse of nutrition. For this class, join chef and local cookbook author Andrea Chesman to prepare several different cabbage dishes, including coleslaw, tomato-cabbage soup, a stir-fry, a braise, and Polish Haluska (egg noodles, sour cream, and cabbage–the ultimate in comfort food).

All classes are $30 or FREE for members of the Co-op’s Food For All Program. To register, please contact Denise Senesac at the Hannaford Career Center by calling (802) 382-1004 or emailing dsenesac@pahcc.org. Classes are capped at 12 participants. Enrollment is first-come, first-served. Please register at least one week in advance. Please disclose food allergies at the time of enrollment. Hope to see you there!

(CANCELED) Mindful Eating

Mindful eating is not a new concept, but it is gaining a whole lot of traction these days, and for good reason – mindful eating can have a profound and positive impact on the way we relate to food. It can transform the way we think about food and “healthy” eating and help us approach food in a more peaceful, balanced, enjoyable, and health-supportive way. In this session, Dana Notte, MS, RD, CD, will discuss what mindful eating is and is not, what it looks like in practice, the benefits of building a mindful eating practice, and how it can help you transform the way you think about, relate to, and enjoy food.

Dana is an experienced non-diet registered dietitian, nutrition educator, and mindful eating expert committed to helping people heal their relationship to food, body, and self. She is the owner of ThrivInspired Nutrition, a Burlington-based nutrition counseling practice that specializes in helping individuals who experience eating disorders, disordered eating, chronic dieting, and emotional eating heal and find peace with food. Mindful and intuitive eating principles form the foundation of much of the work Dana does with clients. In addition to her private practice, Dana also sits on the board of directors for The Center for Mindful Eating and teaches at the University of Vermont. 

All classes are $30 or FREE for members of the Co-op’s Food For All Program. To register, please contact Denise Senesac at the Hannaford Career Center by calling (802) 382-1004 or emailing dsenesac@pahcc.org. Classes are capped at 12 participants. Enrollment is first-come, first-served. Please register at least one week in advance. Please disclose food allergies at the time of enrollment. Hope to see you there!