Featured Co-op Connection Business- Wild Mountain Thyme
Warmer weather is finally here! If you’re putting away your flannel and wool to find there’s not much left in your closet, we invite you to check out Wild Mountain Thyme! They’re a part of our Co-op Connection program (they were one of the original businesses to participate in this program!) and they offer a 5% discount to card-carrying Co-op member-owners!

This funky, iconic Main Street shop was first opened by the late Allen Israel in 1971. His partner Paula Israel came on board in 1976 and has been running the show ever since. The store has been a fixture of downtown Middlebury since the very beginning, offering an eclectic and well-curated mix of clothing for women and children, jewelry, art, gifts, and decor. But, perhaps the best thing about this store is the people behind the counter. Paula, Jen, and Kitty create a fun, friendly atmosphere that keeps loyal local customers coming back. One enters the store as a customer and leaves feeling like an old friend.

When asked to share their favorite thing about working in the store, Jen says its “absolutely the people. It’s such a pleasure to get to know our customers and help them find what they’re looking for. And I also adore my co-workers. We make such a great team and we have a lot of fun together.” Owner Paula echoed these sentiments. “I’ve met all of my lifelong friends in this store. It’s a pretty special place.”