Rally for Change for FARMACY

Aug. 12th
– Aug. 18th
Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op
9 Washington St., Middlebury, VT 05753

Round up your totals at the registers August 12th – 18th.  The Co-op will match your donation for FARMACY.

Rally Every Time You Shop! When not featuring a specific non-profit, donations are given to Addison County Food Shelves

Part community-supported agriculture (CSA), part doctor’s orders, the Farmacy program is free for patients who have been recommended by their physicians. This “Prescription CSA” or “Food is Medicine” program addresses three major needs in Addison County: diet-related illness, food insecurity, and local farm viability.

It has been determined that three behaviors:

  • lack of physical activity
  • poor diet
  • tobacco use

contribute to four diseases:

  • cancer
  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • lung disease

that cause 50% of all deaths in Vermont. This project addresses the nutritional and dietary needs of those patients. Even pre-pandemic, Vermont’s low-income families were challenged to afford fresh, locally grown foods. These families are recipients of Farmacy CSA shares.

The third year of the Addison County Farmacy program runs July 8 – September 23, 2021, and connects 65 families with 12 weeks of local fruit and vegetable shares and educational information.  

Donations from Rally for Change will go to funding the 2022 Farmacy Food is Medicine program. We would like to extend next year’s season through December for a total of 15 weeks (with one monthly pickup in October, November, December). The effort is being led by ACORN in partnership with Porter Medical Center, the Vermont Department of Health, Rise VT, the Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op, and Village Health.

For more information, please visit https://www.acornvt.org/farmacy