Like so many other traditionally in-person events, our Annual Meeting is going virtual this year. While we will miss gathering in person, sharing a meal, and enjoying the warmth of face-to-face community, we hope that we can keep you informed on Co-op happenings and provide a space for your voices to be heard through a virtual meeting. So much is going on at the Co-op this year, you won’t want to be left out of the conversation! On Thursday, September 3rd, at 6:30 pm, join us for an evening of updates about your Co-op, featuring presentations from our Board and our General Manager, followed by an opportunity for questions and answers. Here’s how to join the meeting:
To be an active participant (join the Question and Answer session, at the end of the presentations), please follow the Zoom link:
The passcode for this meeting is: MNFC
To Livestream the meeting, or to view it later, please watch on YouTube:
If you have challenging internet, you can also call in to join the meeting by phone:
Dial by your location:
1 312 626 6799 (Chicago)
1 646 558 8658 (New York)
Meeting ID: 828 1012 3772
Passcode: 392953
Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/