round up

Join the Rally for Change for Addison County Community Trust – May 4th – 10th!

Are you looking for an easy way to give back to your local community?  Just round up your total at the registers next time you shop at the Co-op.  During most of the year, your “spare change” will go directly to our two area food shelves – CVOEO an HOPE.  Because we value your experience at the Co-op, we will not usually verbally solicit “round up” donations from you at the register.  But four times a year, we just get too excited and hold a Rally for Change!

The Co-op’s Rally for Change program is an effort to promote and raise money for local (Addison County Based) non-profit organizations.  Every three months, for one week, we shine a spotlight on a local non-profit organization whose primary mission is to serve at-risk populations.  With their help, we share information about the organization, including more ways to become involved beyond donating at the registers.  Representatives from the organization join us in the store so that our shoppers can learn more directly from the folks who are on the front lines of delivering help to those in need.   At the end of the week, the Co-op will match any donations raised at the registers.



Rally for Change for Homeward Bound – We did it!

Thank you so much for “rounding up” during our Rally for Change, May 12-18!  With your help, we were able to raise $1,126 for Homeward Bound.  The Co-op matched that amount, so we were able to donate a total of $2,252 to help care for animals in need.   Here’s a word from Homeward Bound Director, Jessica Danyow, about just how they’ll put the donation to use:

Homeward Bound, Addison County’s Humane Society, is so grateful for the community fundraising done by the Middlebury Coop through Rally for Change.   By transporting dogs and cats to Homeward Bound from high-volume shelters around the country, we are on track to double the number of animals we help annually.  We are proud of this and grateful for funds that will allow us to meet the medical needs and expenses of these animals.   Rally for Change donations will help us pay for diagnostic work-ups for senior animals, dental cleanings, spay and neuter surgeries and more!   Here are two beneficiaries of Rally for Change donations: Hugo, a sweet, shy hound mix from upstate New York  and delicate Nema, who hails all the way from Texas.   Thank you!



