January Co-op Quiz – What is Our Co-op’s Food For All Program?

Categories: In Store Event
Jan. 1st
– Jan. 31st
Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op
1 Washington Street

Are you ready to learn more about YOUR co-op?  And, well, maybe win a little something, too?  Take a shot at entering January’s month’s Co-op Quiz question:


What is Our Co-op’s Food For All Program?


What IS our Co-op’s Food For All Program?  Who benefits from this program?  How do you become a Food For All member?  What can Food For All do for YOU?    So many questions, and only until the end of January to answer them!  If you’re not sure how to answer, do some digging on our website and in our in-store materials near the entrance and the customer bathrooms to find out more.  When you’re ready, write your answer on a raffle slip (located near the exit door) and drop it into our Co-op Quiz raffle box for a chance to win one of 10 Co-op Gift Cards, worth $25 each!  Winners will be drawn at random, and then selected based on response accuracy.

Good Luck!