Edible Seed Sprouting

Categories: Cooking Classes
Sep. 23rd
5:30pm – 7:30pm
Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center
51 Charles Ave., Middlebury, VT 05753

Unlock the inner nature of your food! Join Jeffrey Jackson of 4 Season Sprouts for a COVID-intimate evening exploring ancient and modern techniques to get the most out of our foods. This interactive workshop will cover sourcing high-quality seeds & grains, hygienic sprouting methods, transforming your sprouts into nutrient-dense dishes, and more. Participants attending in person will leave with everything needed to begin sprouting seeds at home!


Classes are held at the Patricia A. Hannaford Career Center. Pre-registration is required for in-person participation. To register, please contact Denise Senesac at 382-1004 or email dsenesac@pahcc.org. Classes are capped at 10 participants to allow for social distancing. Enrollment is first-come, first-served. All classes are $30 or free for members of the Co-op’s Food For All program. Please register for classes at least one week in advance. Participants attending classes at the Career Center must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Wellness screening upon arrival, including a temperature check as well as a list of questions regarding symptoms
  2. Wearing a face covering while in the building. No exceptions.
  3. Encouraging good hand hygiene using soap and water when practical and hand sanitizer when not
  4. Maintaining a minimum of six feet (6’) between individuals in the building whenever possible
  5. Signing in and providing contact information when gathering in classrooms and other spaces for contact tracing purposes

Participants who are unable to adhere to the above guidelines or who would simply prefer to avoid gathering in person may opt to participate via Zoom at no cost. Zoom details are below:

Topic: Edible Seed Sprouting
Time: Sep 23, 2020 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

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