Homeward Bound Fundraiser 4/28-5/4

Apr. 28th
– May. 4th
Middlebury Food Co-op
9 Washington St., Middlebury, VT 05753

National Adopt a Shelter Pet Day is April 30.  Let’s celebrate!  From April 28 through May 4th, co-op member-owners will receive an additional 20% Off ALL Pet Products at the Co-op!  And guess what?  The Co-op will donate 20% of the pet product sales from that week to Addison County’s Homeward Bound!  If you aren’t familiar with this amazing local organization, here are a few lines, in their own words, to help explain their place in our community:

Our  Mission:  

To be a community-centered shelter that supports the human-animal bond through compassionate care, adoption, education, and advocacy.

Our Vision: 

  • A community that is nurturing and compassionate towards all animals.
  • A community where no animal suffers from abuse or neglect.
  • A community where companion animals are treated as lifelong, valued family members.