MNFC is Seeking Applications for New Board Members
The Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op is more than just a grocery store. It’s a community-owned, democratically-governed business that supports local farmers, provides jobs, keeps dollars in our community, and increases access to healthy foods. Our Co-op is stronger when all our community members are represented. Add your voice by joining the Co-op board! Serving on the board is one way that member-owners can participate in strategic oversight and make our collaborative, democratic organization thrive. Board members receive a yearly stipend and a 10% store discount, plus ample learning and leadership development opportunities.
Our board strives to be actively anti-racist and inclusive. We welcome participation from community members who share a commitment to anti-oppression work.
Board elections take place every May and this year, there are four spots up for election. Apply by March 12, 2023, to run for the board. There are several opportunities to learn about the Board in the coming month!
We are holding a drop-in Zoom Q&A session for prospective board members on Tuesday, February 7th from 7-8 pm. Join current board members and MNFC’s General Manager, Greg, to learn about the board’s unique governing style and ask questions about the board’s responsibilities. RSVP to board@middlebury.coop by February 7th at noon to receive the Zoom link.
Community members are always welcome to attend board meetings. Our next board meeting is on Wednesday, February 15th from 6:30-8:30 pm. If you’d like to attend, please contact our Board President, Amanda Warren, in advance: board@middlebury.coop.
From 5:30-6:30 pm on February 15th, we’ll also be having an in-person meet and greet before our board meeting. Please RSVP by noon on February 14th if you’d like to attend – board@middlebury.coop.
Of course, we’re happy to connect with you outside of these meetings too! For details, visit middlebury.coop/learn/our-board, email Board Member Erin Buckwalter at board@middlebury.coop or reach out to any of the other board members.