Last Week to Vote for YOUR Co-op Board of Directors!
By now, you have probably received a copy of our 2018 Annual Report for MNFC in the mail (yes, the “snail” mail). In this publication, you’ll find updates from our Board President and General Manager about how the Co-op has fared in our first year of Expansion. In addition, you’ll get to “meet the candidates” for the four available seats on our Board of Directors. Included in your mailed copy of the Annual Report are Voting Instructions, Your Official Ballot, and a $3.00 Coupon (redeemable with your completed ballot). Please bring your completed ballot into the Co-op by May 31st, so we have time to tally the votes and inform the candidates before our June 6th Annual Meeting. Then, please join us on June 6th, 5:30-7:30 at American Flatbread to find out who won, get a first-hand account of how your Co-op is doing, and enjoy dinner on the Co-op!