
Solar in the Winter? Heck Yeah!

Go Solar with SunCommon and Get a FREE $200 gift card to the Middlebury Naturals Food Co-op!

The Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op is excited to announce a limited-time offer with SunCommon, Vermont’s local solar company.  Now you are able to support renewable energy AND your local food co-op at the same time!


What: Get a gift card for $200 to the Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op when you go solar with SunCommon between Feb 1 and March 31, 2017.


  1. Sign up with SunCommon for a free solar home visit at or call 882-8181
  2. Hand this coupon to your Solar Home Advisor when you sign a solar home agreement with SunCommon
  3. Your gift card will be mailed to you

Enjoy: Spend your gift card at the co-op!










SunCommon makes going solar easy and affordable.  Local energy, local food. What could be better?

For more information, contact Ellen at SunCommon: 798-2648 or