Flavors of Summer

Grilled Sausage & Veggies

Savor these last sweet days of summer with this simple recipe that calls for putting it all on the grill. It’ll keep the heat out of the kitchen, minimize cleanup, and it’s a perfect way to celebrate the flavors of the season. You’ll find most of the ingredients in our weekly sale from August 31st – September 6th, including local sausages from our friends at Vermont Salumi, and it’s a perfect way to kick off the September Eat Local Challenge

Grilled Sausage & Veggies

Savor these last sweet days of summer with this simple recipe that calls for putting it all on the grill. It’ll keep the heat out of the kitchen, minimize cleanup, and it’s a perfect way to celebrate the flavors of the season. You’ll find most of the ingredients in our weekly sale from August 31st – September 6th, including local sausages from our friends at Vermont Salumi, and it’s a perfect way to kick off the September Eat Local Challenge

Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

In late June in Vermont, when the real soil-grown summer tomatoes, garlic scapes, and fresh herbs start popping up at farm stands and Co-op shelves, it’s a perfect time to celebrate these flavors of summer with a simple and versatile preparation that will keep your kitchen time to a minimum and keep you coming back for more. These sheet-pan roasted cherry tomatoes are just that — quick, tasty, and so versatile you’ll want to put them on everything!

Peachy Pecan Sundae

Celebrate the flavors of summer with this peachy pecan sundae! You’ll find those famous Pennsylvania peaches in our weekly sale display from August 1st – 7th, along with the ice cream, pecans, and a handful of other items that are perfect for a summer ice cream extravaganza!