
This delicious and simple guacamole recipe comes to us from the avocado experts at Equal Exchange Co-op, who are working hard to radically transform the avocado market to benefit small, organic farmers. Equal Exchange partners with PRAGOR, a progressive cooperative of small-scale avocado farmers in Michoacán Mexico. This region of Mexico is called “the avocado capital of the world.” However, powerful corporate interests have made it difficult for small-scale farmers to compete. In response, PRAGOR courageously organized and decided they would collectively control the entire process from growing to exporting. We’ll be featuring these Organic, Fair Trade avocados in our weekly sale from January 31st – February 6th, so it’s a perfect time to make a big batch of guacamole to feed your game day crowd!
Cut avocados in half, remove pit and cut into slices. Detach avocado from peel with spoon and place fruit in a bowl. Add juice of one lime, garlic, olive oil, salt, and pepper. With a fork, smash the avocados until all ingredients are well combined. Add onion (if it’s too strong, rinse with warm water first), cilantro, and tomatoes. Mix it, taste it, and add additional lime as needed.