Membership Categories


  Want to own a store with your friends and fellow community members? Co-op membership is co-op ownership!  Each time you make a $20 membership payment at the Co-op, you are purchasing a share in your Co-op and becoming a member-owner. Your i …

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Senior Member

One of the perks of member-ownership at the Co-op is the Senior Discount. If you’re age 60 or better, you can enjoy 5% off every Tuesday and Thursday! Click here for the Membership Brochure

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Co-op Partner

One of the differences between Co-op membership and membership at a more conventional business is that Co-op membership is ownership in your Co-op. Each $20 membership payment buys one share of the Co-op. Once you reach 15 shares, you’re done! We will …

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Food for All Program

What Can FOOD FOR ALL Do for YOU?  Food For All is a Member Assistance Program for participants in SNAP, WIC, receive Home Heating Assistance, are a VA Healthcare Enrollee with proper ID, are a client of CVOEO, HOPE, Atria Collective (formerly Wom …

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