Get Ready to Slash YOUR Trash in April!

Categories: In Store Event
Apr. 1st
– Apr. 22nd
Middlebury Food Co-op
9 Washington St., Middlebury, VT 05753

Join members of Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op in pledging to reduce waste and “SLASH YOUR TRASH!”
Did you know that the 292 million tons of waste (nearly 1,800 pounds per person every year) generated in the US in 2018 was primarily made up of plastics, paper, paperboard, and food? As individuals and working together as a community, we can take steps big and small to reduce our waste.  Participate with your Co-op community in April to SLASH YOUR TRASH!
To participate:

  • Pick up a pledge card at the Co-op (example below)
  • Fill it out with your pledge (one card per pledge, please!)
  • Drop it into our raffle box for a chance to win an earth-friendly prize!

Pledge participants will be entered into weekly raffles throughout April.













• Share Your Experience! Use #SlashYourTrash, #NeighborCoops and
#ActNowOnClimateChange in social media posts. When you share your experience,
you’ll be entered to win a prize again!
• Visit and let the UN know what you are doing to #ActNow
on Climate Change!