Karin’s Collards

Karin’s Collards

Posted On February 25, 2021
Categories: Recipes, View All


Our weekly sale from February 25th – March 3rd celebrates Southern cuisine and we think you’ll love this collard recipe that comes from one of our resident Southern transplants. Karin suggests that you make a big, hearty pot, and don’t forget to dunk your cornbread in the pot liquor (collard broth). It’s quite the Southern delicacy.


Cook bacon in a stock pot over medium-high heat until crisp. Add onions and cook until translucent. Add the remaining ingredients and bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to a low simmer and cook for one hour. Serve in bowls with plenty of broth. If you wish, garnish with homemade onion rings or Lars brand crisp onions.

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