The Co-op Board Hosts Staff Appreciation Ice Cream Social
The Co-op Board of Directors hosted an ice cream social for staff in late May to show their appreciation to staff. While the board appreciates the staff every day, staff are going above and beyond their regular routines to accommodate many changes. The social was held in the old store space where the board meets monthly. This location did not go un-noticed as many noted how much the Co-op has grown.
There were many flavors of ice cream, but where the board went… well, overboard, was with the toppings: from pretzels and M&Ms to nuts, fresh fruit, and two kinds of secret recipe sauces (caramel and chocolate). All the ingredients were on hand to create a well-deserved treat. More than 30 staff members came by, some with just the time to grab an ice cream and go back to work or to a meeting, others with a bit more time to sit and talk.
As the expansion continues, keeping the store moving smoothly is a balancing act and one that has not gone unnoticed by customers. The board wanted to express gratitude to the staff for making the Coop function in the middle of a construction site. Board members hear every day from member-owners how the staff is always friendly and available to answer questions and to help. We really wanted to acknowledge that, and the fact that they make the store feel as welcoming as ever, in spite of all the kinds of interferences that an expansion brings about (noise, dust, having to park further away from the store, etc.).
Beyond expressing thanks to the staff, the members of the board who were able to attend the social appreciated the wonderful opportunity to connect directly with members of the Staff. These two “sides” of the Co-op work in tandem, but have very seldom the chance to connect personally.
By Ilaria……
Ilaria Brancoli-Busdraghi is a long-serving Co-op Board Member. Do you have any questions about the Board and how we do our work? Write anytime with comments, questions or suggestions: tam@middleburycoop.com.