Middlebury Natural Foods Co-op is Ready to Grow!
You, our loyal member-owners have been asking for it. Now, together we’ll build it!
We’ve officially launched our Member Loan Drive, and it’s off to an exciting start! We’re thrilled with the support we’ve received thus far from member-owners and we’re making steady progress toward our goal.
Why Member Loans?
Member Loans provide the Co-op member-owners with a strong local investment they can visit every day, and provides the co-op with cost-effective financing. Co-ops across the country have relied on member-owner investment programs as a long-standing method to raise money and community support for their stores. Member-owner investment demonstrates the commitment of loyal customers, convinces banks to loan additional money, and reduces debt service, making our Co-op stronger!
Thirteen years ago, in 2003, you, the member-owners invested nearly $500,000 to help build our current store. All of these loans were paid back, with interest, within the term limits. Now it’s time to grow again and become an even better version of the store you love. This time around, our goal is to raise $1 million in member loans, and we’re off to a great start! We’d like to extend our gratitude for those who have already invested. If you’d like to be part of this exciting next evolution of your Co-op, we’d love to hear from you! Please contact Member Loan Coordinator John Barstow at jbbarstow@gmail.com
Here are the goals for this expansion:
- 50% more retail space overall
- Wider aisles and better layout for ease of shopping (and visiting…)
- 100% more fresh meat, prep room, and coolers
- New Co-op Cafe with double current seating and own entrance
- 100% increase in cheese retail space, with new island
- Commitment to expand without increasing our carbon footprint
- Improved deli, with 75% more retail space, hot bar, and more
- Enlarged deli kitchen for more prepared food, faster service
- New customer service desk
- Improved store entrance with air lock
- Wider, longer, safer driveway entrance
- More open produce layout with 20% more space
- Better insulated, more energy-efficient building overall
- Expanded bulk selections
- Two public restrooms
Construction is planned for Spring 2017!
Click HERE for more details
Click HERE for the Frequently Asked Questions
Click HERE to check out the latest site plans from the architects